About Us

About Us

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Our school community vision is  “Aspire ∙ Empower ∙ Achieve” 

We ASPIRE for our students to be the best they can be by providing a ‘whole child education’ where their talents are nurtured and they are provided with opportunities to flourish. We aspire for them when they see barriers and cannot aspire for themselves.  We aspire for our staff to be the best they can be, investing in their well-being, professional development and access to external networks.  

We EMPOWER each other as a community, recognising and praising excellence and progress in each other. We empower each other to build resilience and overcome barriers.  By taking a ‘Growth Mindset approach’ we empower ourselves in a continuous journey of learning.  

We ACHIEVE self-development, qualifications and instilling self-confidence to achieve our ambitions, for students moving onto higher education or their chosen career path.

Our core school community values are:

During the autumn, a series of stakeholder meetings were held across the school community to review and revitalise our values.  We have defined our core values in a series of statements below. These will remain our constant anchor for the years ahead and at the core of everything we do.  

We promote a school community where all members demonstrate:  
Resilience - Resilience to barriers faced in creating independent, innovative and creative minds 
Empathy - Caring for ourselves, for each other, showing respect to each other and building a sense of belonging 
Aiming – Aiming to achieve our potential  
Commitment – Commitment to success, personal development and opportunity 
Heart - Passionate for the difference we can make, to our community, for equality, diversity and inclusion

Our Mission

Goldwyn School creates a challenging & inspiring learning environment, where staff work together to encourage all students to reach their full potential.  We celebrate the success of our students and encourage their individual talents and skills. We aim to maximise their access to and engagement with social and educational settings and provide choices and opportunities which are appropriate to their present and future needs and aspirations.

Goldwyn School works towards providing learning opportunities where students experience:

A sense of personal security
Enjoyment of learning
Respect and being valued
Supportive relationships
Sharing their lives with positive adult role models
Clear, flexible boundary setting
Successful achievement boosting their self –esteem
Opportunities to obtain academic and/or vocational qualification
A chance to flourish and exercise personal responsibility

Through developing personal resilience and providing students with the motivation to succeed Goldwyn School encourages students to be the best that they can be!

The school uses research and evaluated methods to develop a curriculum that is appropriate and engages our students.  Social and Emotional development underpins our philosophy of care and educational delivery (see Goldwyn Learning Ladder linked to Maslow)  and all staff are committed to the Goldwyn Charter which outlines our expectations of ourselves as professional, compassionate and positive role models.

Across each Goldwyn Pathway, a considered, planned and holistic curriculum offer is designed to meet the needs of the whole child, ensuring that students’ SEN needs do not create a barrier to learning.

(See Goldwyn Ashford,  Goldwyn Folkestone and Goldwyn Plus pages).

All staff are aware of the transitional EHCP outcomes for every student and they plan lessons that ensure appropriate support is in place to enable students to reach their potential, both academically and personally.

All students at Goldwyn will benefit from 

  • An outstanding, relevant and inclusive education delivered appropriately.
  • Help to build strategies to support individual needs and overcome personal barriers.
  • Staff trained to work effectively with students to actively build confidence and resilience and enable personal effectiveness within school and their local communities.
  • An environment that places high value on emotional wellbeing, recognising individuals emotional needs and placing emphasis on safeguarding and good mental health.
  • Individualised and relevant transition planning.
  • Close working relationship between family and external agencies.
  • Specialist support from a highly trained and experienced professional staff team.

We assess the holistic progress our students are making through regular “Progress Review” meetings.  Students’ curriculum attainment, Boxall scores, attendance, BRITA points,  ECHP targets and Communication and Interaction skills are collated and reviewed by a multi-faceted team of teaching, learning support and pastoral staff). These meetings will identify both positive achievement and will highlight any underachievement which requires more bespoke intervention, to be delivered within the classroom, through Goldwyn Time of via referral to external agencies. Senior leaders within the school participate in and oversee the process, which in turn is reported to Governors.



Flagship School Status Nov 22

Goldwyn School continues to be a Flagship School (November 2022)


Goldwyn School rated "Outstanding" by Ofsted 

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