If you are having trouble accessing your iTrent account please use the iTrent ESS Troubleshooting guide. If you are still unable to access your account please email the system administrator at iTrent01@Cantium.Solutions, please ensure to detail any error messages that have come up while trying to access your account.
New to iTrent?
Have a read through the iTrent ESS User Guide, it includes a lot of helpful information including how to have your payslips emailed directly to you.
When your iTrent account has been set up you will receive a welcome email, this will contain your username and a temporary password. We recommend you use Google Chrome when accessing iTrent.
Always use the link on our school website or the one you received in your welcome email, unfortunately using a search engine will take you to the wrong site.
Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication
You can contact iTrent by emailing iTrent01@HRConnect.org.uk