Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG)
“We checked how well the school prepares pupils for the next stage of their lives. We found that you and your team care passionately about giving pupils the best life chances. Most pupils leave your school with an impressive range of accreditations. All past pupils that you have been able to contact have gone into further education, training or employment. This is because your careers education is excellent” (Ofsted, December 2017)
Goldwyn School puts the needs of each student at the centre of all learning and social experiences, and has a commitment to a high standard approach to CEIAG. Through CEIAG work Goldwyn utilises a nurturing approach, to raise aspirations, promote equality of opportunity, to ensure every student gains the confidence, self-belief, as well as the skills, knowledge and experience required to manage their own career progress.
Kate Wilson is our Link Governor for careers; the governing body will review and monitor the CEIAG through Governors meetings.
The purpose of the Goldwyn CEIAG policy is to explain the way in which Goldwyn School prepares students for transition into the next stage of education, apprenticeship or the world of work. Goldwyn celebrates the positive differences of all students and recognizes their worth within the work place. This leads to bespoke ways of working with each student to ensure needs are met through the CEIAG programme. To equip students with the skills required to follow their chosen career pathway.
From September 2013 the Education Act of 2001 placed schools under a duty to ensure that all registered pupils in Years 8-13 have access to independent, accurate and impartial information, advice and guidance. Careers guidance under this duty will:
· be presented in an impartial manner
· include information on the full range of post-16 education or training options,
· promote the best interests of the pupils to whom it is given
The DfE on 4th December 2017 also updated its statutory careers guidance for schools. The government also expects Governing Bodies to ensure that the schools careers strategy is developed in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks and informed by the requirements set out.
The careers strategy can be read online at:
The statutory guidance for school is available at
The ‘Gatsby’ Benchmarks
Goldwyn School has adopted the Gatsby Benchmarks because they are judged to be an outstanding system for career guidance:
1. A stable careers programme.
2. Learning from career and labour market information.
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil.
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers.
5. Encounters with employers and employees.
6. Experiences of workplaces.
7. Encounters with further and higher education.
8. Personal guidance.
Our aim is to deliver careers education, information, advice and guidance for all students. Careers is taught to all year groups in each of our centres through their PSHCE programmes of study and is designed to meet the individual needs of our students within each pathway model. Independent Careers Advice and Guidance (IAG) is delivered by our specialist Careers Advisors from CXK ( Students will have opportunities embedded within the PSHCE programme to gain employability skills and will be supported to manage their careers pathway.
Learner entitlements
Access to specialist careers adviser for impartial 1 to 1 careers guidance. Access to a careers education programme to;
· help students learn to understand themselves and develop their capabilities
· raise students’ self-esteem and encourage them to have high aspirations which allow them to achieve economic well-being
· develop an understanding of the range of opportunities available to them Post 16 and 18
· develop an understanding of education, training and employment routes
· have a supported transition to the next stage of education or training.
· Have opportunities to go out on work experience day trips to colleges employer and employee talks within school, build a CV, practice interview techniques.
Students will be able to;
· Try out different work opportunities
· Gain an insight into the labour market
· Gain an understanding of skill sets and how skills are transferrable
· Understand soft skills, hard skills and how to sell themselves using CV’s/application forms/interviews
· Develop the skills employers look for - resilience, team work, problem solving
· Have access to both paper based and online resources to assist in their career exploration
· Access to impartial information on options Post 16 and Post 18 and beyond
By the time learners are ready to leave they will be more able to make their own career plan;
· Start to independently make action plans for the future
· Feel better about managing their transitions, using coping strategies
· Know how to look for opportunities and who to ask for assistance if support is required
· Be able to complete application forms and update CV’s
All students at Goldwyn will:
· Undertake a programme of CEIAG within the PSHCE programme, beginning in Year 7 and continuing through to Year 11
· Undertake work-related learning through the PSHCE programme (e.g. Enterprise Days, work experience (Year 10) and vocational courses.
· Group and individual support from an independent and impartial, guidance qualified Careers Advisor
· Have talks from employers and employees (where appropriate)
· Be made aware of career opportunities which relate directly to individual subjects (e.g. careers boards in classrooms, planning within teachers’ schemes of work.
· Be supported through the Post 16 application and transition process
To view our Provider Access Policy please click here
For further information please contact the school on 01233 622 958 and ask to speak to the careers advisor. Or email our careers advisor, Ben Lock, directly on