An incredible 90% of students on a Vocational Pathway achieved passes in their chosen subject, with 74% of them achieving the highest Diploma grade.
Goldwyn 6th Form is a Key Stage 5 provision for young people aged 16 to 18 who are of average cognitive ability but have an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) identifying primary needs in the areas of Social, Emotional and Mental Health and / or ASD.
The majority of students have diagnoses such as ASD, ADHD, ODD, OCD or Anxiety and experience social and emotional barriers to learning, many having missed some of their secondary education. They may not have decided on a career pathway and are not yet ready to access larger group learning or mainstream, post-16 education.
Students do not transfer automatically to Goldwyn 6th Form from other Goldwyn pathways after Year 11. Our aspiration is that students who have accessed Goldwyn School will be able to transition to mainstream college or 6th Form, work with training or employment in Year 12. Admission to Goldwyn 6th Form is solely through the EHCP Annual Review and Consultation process, led by KCC SEN.
Our aim is to support students on their way to becoming:
We believe that relationships are key to creating a safe and trusting environment where students are able to improve their attendance and engagement; be positive about their learning and experience success; learn how to regulate their behaviour and deal with situations they find difficult; and improve their communication and social skills.
We provide a high level of pastoral support to foster a strong partnership between home and school and to ensure that students, and their families, are heard and involved in making decisions about their education, health and wellbeing. There is an emphasis on preparing for adulthood and developing independence, based on the individual’s needs and level of development.
Mentoring and counselling are available to students, as well as guidance for families in navigating the health and social care systems if they need additional support or as they transfer from child to adult services.
There are two main pathways at Goldwyn 6th Form, both of which are designed to provide learning opportunities that inspire and engage students, helping them to develop the knowledge and skills they need for further education, apprenticeships or employment.
Based in Ashford, students can access Motor Vehicle Maintenance at our vocational centre on Norfolk Drive, whilst developing their core skills in English, Maths, Employability and Personal and Social Development.
The qualifications on offer are:
This pathway is suitable for students who are interested in a career in mechanics or engineering but need a further year to improve their attainment, develop their social skills, tolerance and resilience or improve their emotional wellbeing.
Combined Studies:
Based at Goldwyn Folkestone, the Combined Studies course focuses on personal development and improving Independent Living Skills, centred on the ASDAN qualification in Personal and Social Effectiveness. GCSE or Functional Skills English and Maths form an integral part of the timetable and students are then able to choose from a range of vocational options, including Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Construction.
The additional qualifications on offer are:
Click here for our Curriculum offer.
This pathway is suitable for students who, having missed significant periods in their education, have not achieved what they are cognitively capable of, need additional time to mature and develop their emotional and social resilience and who need further advice and guidance about possible career pathways. The curriculum is designed to broaden their experience and knowledge, whilst deepening their understanding about themselves, others and the wider community.
Wherever students are based, they also access a comprehensive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme to develop their employability skills, learn how to write a CV and apply for jobs and help them explore opportunities for further education, training and employment. Suitable work experience will be identified based on areas of personal interest, when students are ready and at an appropriate time in the school year. We work closely with agencies such as CXK, The National Careers Service and Kent Supported Employment, as well as having established links with mainstream colleges and other specialist providers, to support transition at the end of their time at Goldwyn 6th Form.