Welcome to our Parent & Carers Page.
The tabs on the left will give you more information on the topics listed.
THE KENT RESILIENCE HUB is a Website that has been created to help young people, parents and carers and professionals understand emotional wellbeing and resilience. It contains information on what is available to support children, young people and parents/carers in Kent - link to their parent page: https://kentresiliencehub.org.uk/parent-carers/ and also to their 'Get Help Now' Advice: https://kentresiliencehub.org.uk/parent-carers/get-help-now/ They also have a wide range of support resources and advice at: https://kentresiliencehub.org.uk/parent-carers/resources/
Our 'Support for Families Tab' on this page gives information on other advice and support services that are available either in Kent or on a nationwide basis
Our Internet Safety Information tab contains some of the updates available from National Online Safety,. Please take a look at CEOP ThinkUKnow - https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/ to see help and advice about keeping your child safe online. National Online Safety also has guides on the latest online trends and risks at https://nationalonlinesafety.com/guides
We would really like to hear your feedback. If you have any ideas about what else you would like to see on our Parent Pages, please email me at alison.kane@goldwyn.kent.sch.uk