
Goldwyn Folkestone

All students have an EHCP in place at Goldwyn Folkestone, identifying a primary need of SEMH and / or ASD. Many of these students have significant attachment difficulties and have struggled to access academic classroom based learning.   Prior to admission students will have been assessed to be of average or above cognitive ability, with possible delays in learning of up to 2 years below their chronological age, significant gaps in learning due to sporadic education and mental health challenges and the resulting difficulties in maintaining positive relationships in school. Some students will have transitioned from previous SEMH provision, but for some Goldwyn may be their first special school placement.

We want students to acquire and retain new knowledge and skills, develop their ideas and increase their understanding; apply intellectual, physical and creative effort in their work; be productive and work at a good pace; show interest in their work and be able to sustain concentration and think and learn for themselves; understand what they are doing, how well they have done and how they can improve.  Additionally, Goldwyn Folkestone will experience a curriculum designed to increase levels of engagement and attendance, provide catch-up-for learning lost over time, identify students’ strengths and interests and provide the opportunity to undertake a range of relevant academic and vocational courses prior to choosing a further destination at KS4.  

There are 7 classes at Goldwyn Folkestone; most are of mixed ages with groups of 7 students, 1 teacher and 1 teaching assistant. There is currently one designated nurture class whose students access the majority of their lessons in one room. This group is staffed by 2 trained specialists with core subjects taught by subject specialists.  Students are provided with greater opportunities for social interaction, practical activities and greater support with emotional and behavioural self- regulation than they might receive if their classes were larger or the academic pressure too great.

Each day consists of five 1 hour lessons (four on Friday)

Social time for students is planned and supported by the pastoral support team.

Students are supported in their learning progress by a positive target based reward system (REACH points)

The aims of all the inclusive pathway programmes offered are to increase levels of engagement and attendance, provide catch-up for learning lost over time, identify individual students’ strengths and interests and provide the opportunity to undertake a range of relevant academic and vocational courses prior to choosing a further destination at KS3, KS4 or KS5.

All students participate in “Goldwyn Time” a structured daily intervention progamme tailored to meet their individual ECHP outcomes and learning needs. For the majority of students the focus of the interventions are social communication and emotional regulation, whilst providing a smooth transition route from the journey into school to the more ‘formal’ school day.

Students follow a KS3 & 4 national curriculum programme which places an increased emphasis on practical vocational courses in KS4.

Group 1 (Nurture) - Curriculum Offer

Personal and Social Development
Project Based Learning
Design and technology
Physical Education
World Studies

Key Stage 3 - Curriculum Offer

Personal and Social Development
Outdoor and adventurous
Design and technology
Physical Education
Additional offer (according to individual need)
Music (small group)
Challenger troop

Key stage 4 – Curriculum offer

               Entry Level 3
                • Functional skills Level 1 and 2
                • GCSE

English       Entry Level 3
                • Functional skills Level 1 and 2
                • GCSE- English language

                • GCSE Combined Science

Personal and Social Development

Vocational courses


Level 1 construction multi skills

Motor vehicle

Entry level motor vehicle maintenance

Hair Design 

NCFE Entry level 3, Level 1, 2 and 3 in Creative Craft & Hair Design

Home Cooking skills

Level 1 and 2 BTEC Specialist Award.

Health and Social Care

Level 1 and 2 BTEC First Award ( year 2s only)

Child Development

NCFE Level 1 and Level 2 Child Development


Fine Art GCSE

Art & Design GCSE

Photography GCSE


Functional skills level 1 and 2


RSL Level 1 and 2 Award & Certificate Music performance/music technology


All students are supported into post 16 education or training through an individualised transition programme that utilises CIEAG and the EHCP process.  Most students leave Goldwyn Folkestone to go on to study vocational courses at college or enter employment based training.Our aspiration is for all students it to achieve GCSE and other level 1 & 2 qualifications by the end of Year 11. On average students leave Goldwyn with 6 or more of these qualifications.



Flagship School Status Nov 22

Goldwyn School continues to be a Flagship School (November 2022)


Goldwyn School rated "Outstanding" by Ofsted 

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