Our aim at Goldwyn is that all students receive some form of intervention dependent on their individual need and there are currently 23 different interventions on offer to students.
Examples of these include:
- Literacy – a personalised programme to target comprehension, reading, spelling and handwriting
- Numeracy – aimed at building basic number skills and build confidence.
- Speech and Language – we have a visiting Speech and Language therapist who works with students on personalised targets and we also have trained support staff that work with students on a weekly basis to support this work.
- Anger Management – students are able to work with our trained specialists to find strategies to implement when things become challenging.
- Dog Reading – this programme is aimed particularly in Key Stage 3 and aims to build students’ confidence in reading aloud with the support of ‘River’ the Labrador who visits weekly
- Counselling and Mentoring – We not only have a visiting counsellor we also have specialist staff whom students are able to speak with on a weekly basis.
- Girls’ Group – the aim of Girls’ Group is to encourage social skills and form peer friendships. Many topics are covered such as feelings, friendships, dealing with anxiety and even yoga techniques. This is led by the needs of the girls attending the group and is highly individualised accordingly.
- Lego Therapy –LEGO-based therapy is a social development programme for students with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) or related social communication difficulties.
- Hair Dressing – At Goldwyn we are fortunate to be able to run a certified course in hairdressing every week for those students who want to opt into it.
- Off-site activities – Goldwyn offers a number of off-site activities that are aimed at improving social skills and independence. Currently there is a summer residential, Duke of Edinburgh, Challenger, Tiger Troop. Horse Therapy, Muddy Wellies and March Wood are interventions where students access an Emotional Well Being programme through the use of Forest School style activities.
- Music Lessons – students have the opportunity to access individual music lessons in many different instruments such as drums, guitar, piano etc.
Overall, our intervention timetable is an exciting one and one that aims to meet the needs of everyone during their time at Goldwyn School.